NextBlock FOr Businesses

Grow your business by connecting with neighbours who support you

NextBlock is Singapore's #1 Neighbourhood App

Neighbours use NextBlock to share information about the vicinity, discover and recommend places to eat and of course, share their honest reviews.

Let us help you!

No Listing Fees

Free S$1,000 NextBlock Advertising Credits upon sign up!

Reach out effectively to neighbours within your neighbourhood

Get recommendations from customers and grow your reputation

Grow your business with nextblock

Claim your FREE business account

Get discovered locally by your neighbours  on NextBlock and show up when neighbours are looking for businesses like yours.

Let your customers know you with Business Posts

Engage nearby neighbours with free posts that show up in the newsfeed of all neighbours who stay in the vicinity

additional marketing boost via advertisements

Just set up your business in the neighbourhood and looking for that additional boost in marketing outreach? ​​

Try turning neighbours into customers with dedicated advertising areas such as In-App Banners and Sponsored Ads, In-App Notifications, Push Notifications etc

Sign up as a NextBlock Merchant Partner and get S$1,000 worth of advertising credits. T&Cs applies.

our NEIGHBOURHOOD partners

And many more!

Lets get started!