Community Guidelines

Updated 1st June 2023

 We want everyone to feel welcome on NextBlock, and we have created these guidelines to define the values of the estate that makes everyone comfortable and safe.  

Remember - On NextBlock, every user is connected not by a shared preference, but a shared connection to a place — your neighbourhood


1. Be respectful to your neighbours

You’re speaking to your real neighbours. Strong communities are built on strong relationships. 

2. Do not discriminate

We do not tolerate racism, hateful language, or discrimination of any kind.

3. Encouraged to use your true identity

NextBlock is built on trust — we want everyone to know they’re communicating with their real neighbour, and therefore encourage you to use your true identity. 

4. Do not engage in harmful activity

We prohibit any activity that could hurt someone, from physical harm to scams.

5. SPAMming disrupts the experience for others

Do not repeatedly post the same content, links, or comments within a short time frame. Duplicate content adds no value and may be considered spam. Do not use misleading titles, descriptions, or links to encourage clicks or views. Providing accurate information is essential for building trust within our community.