Explore Your Neighbourhood
NextBlock connects neighbours to one another - and to happenings nearby, may it be the sharing of nearby deals and promotions, news updates or simply listing items on sale in the neighbourhood.
Welcome to the Neighbourhood!
Welcome to the Neighbourhood!
What makes NextBlock different?
What makes NextBlock different?
Building COnnections
Building COnnections
We help you bridge that connection between yourself and every single neighbour in your estate
Real Neighbours
Real Neighbours
Every single user is verified and ensured to be a real resident of every estate on NextBlock
Explore Your Neighbourhood
Explore Your Neighbourhood
Content driven by the community to provide interesting insights about your estate, waiting for you to explore.
What is nextblock?
What is nextblock?
Know your neighbours
Know your neighbours
Connect with your estate and learn of latest happenings.
Connect with your estate and learn of latest happenings.
Lost an item in the estate
Lost an item in the estate
Maybe a neighbour found it.
Maybe a neighbour found it.
Discovered a good deal
Discovered a good deal
Share it with your neighbours.
Share it with your neighbours.
Have an item to sell or giveaway
Have an item to sell or giveaway
Why not list it on NextBlock?
Why not list it on NextBlock?